( Mücadelemiz içenlerle değil maddeyle!
Koruyup kolladığımız, kişiler; kovduğumuz, o sinsi madde!...
Davetimiz, sağlıklı olmak; kabul etmediğimiz, sararmak...
Çözümlerimiz, herkes için; çaresi "Hayır!"da...
Herkes için hayırlı olan, hayırsızı yakmamakta... )
( Dependence on anything for happiness is utter misery. When you are no longer attached to anything, you have done your share. Attachments are in the mind and will not leave you until you know your mind in and out. Give up your addictions. There is nothing else to give up. You cannot leave if you don't aware of it. Habit/addiction and passion makes blind and takes to the false. "I PREFER, NOT TO SMOKE" instead of "QUIT SMOKING/CIGARETTE" )